Saturday, January 24, 2015


We knew TK's hair would fall out but nothing prepares you until it does.  3 days ago, TK woke up and called me into our bedroom.  She pointed at the pillow to a  'puddle' of hair.   The night before, we were kidding about our oncologist saying that he would give us his car if it didn't fall out.  I guess we're not getting his car.

Each day from the onset, hair would drop as though they were leaves in the fall.  Each stroke through her hair would yield a handful. I knew it was only a matter of days before it all came out. Its been 3 days and today, she decided to remove it all.  I'm glad that she did.

We took some pictures today right before.  It will be another 2 years before I see her like this again.

TK is a beautiful girl with or without hair. And now that its all gone, it only accentuates her beautiful eyes and smile.  She's more beautiful to me than ever before.

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