Sunday, February 1, 2015

Second Chemo

Today is Feb 1, 2015 - SuperBowl Sunday but I'm not too concerned about the Superbowl.  It's been 4 days since TK's second infusion and Neulasta shot.  It being the second time, I'd like to think I can anticipate the side affects she'll experience.   As of right now, the side affects are a little worse than last.  She's feeling nausea and the bone pains are starting earlier. The muscle spasm in her back started a few hours ago - which is earlier than last time.

However, armed with experience and meds, she's dosing up on Advil, Tylenol, Ativan and anti-nausea meds to mitigate the ache and pains.  They'll work OK but will still feel the brunt of it.

Stay strong my love.

Recovering from Chemo/Neulasta


Saturday, January 24, 2015


We knew TK's hair would fall out but nothing prepares you until it does.  3 days ago, TK woke up and called me into our bedroom.  She pointed at the pillow to a  'puddle' of hair.   The night before, we were kidding about our oncologist saying that he would give us his car if it didn't fall out.  I guess we're not getting his car.

Each day from the onset, hair would drop as though they were leaves in the fall.  Each stroke through her hair would yield a handful. I knew it was only a matter of days before it all came out. Its been 3 days and today, she decided to remove it all.  I'm glad that she did.

We took some pictures today right before.  It will be another 2 years before I see her like this again.

TK is a beautiful girl with or without hair. And now that its all gone, it only accentuates her beautiful eyes and smile.  She's more beautiful to me than ever before.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The husband's view - Jan 19, 2015

I won't talk too much about cancer, chemo or anything related to TK's condition in this post.  However, I do want to share a few things I did to prepare for any unexpected situations.  These may sound like no-brainers but keep these in mind, especially if you're new to caring for someone going through chemo.

1. Plot a route to an ER near you.
Take 5 mins today to memorize where your nearest ER is.  Map the route and look for alternatives if there's traffic. Calculate driving time.  You don't want to fumble with your phone to get directions.  Know it before hand!  Practice the route if you need to.

2. Keep your gas tank full.
Don't procrastinate.  Get gas when you realize you need it. Don't put it off.  You'll be fretting big time if your car is on empty as you're speeding to the hospital.

3. Keep your mobile phone charged.
Again, don't procrastinate.  Keep your phone charged. If you make a visit to the ER, expect to be there for at least 4 hours.  You'll need your phone to make calls, research on the internet, navigate, etc.

4. Stop recreational alcohol drinking (or minimize it)
This was hard for me because I love wine.  However, you don't want to be buzzed if you need to take someone to the ER.  Take it easy.  Don't drink to a point where you can't drive unless there's someone else nearby who can.

5. Get life insurance.
I got life insurance for myself immediately after we learned of TKs prognosis.  If something happens to me while TK's going through treatment, it could be even more life threatening to her.  Medical insurance can be affected, bills can pile up.  She needs to be financially protected if I'm not around to protect her.

6. Stay Healthy.
Keep working your day job. Keep doing a good job.  Keep exercising, keep a balanced diet, sleep well.  Stay mentally healthy.   You need to stay in top shape to support your spouse.